Improving how we use wikis for better student learning: Harry Tuttle

- Organizing the wiki
= put the newest information on top: makes it easiest for students to access the information
= any resource used in class is posted to the wiki
= label what the resource is: graphic, video, document
= tends not to embed in the wiki
- Arrange by class learning topic
= sidebar as table of contents
= by chapter
= by project, with projects listed on the main page
= by semester
= by themes that are revisited through the semester/year
= by sectors
- students have permission to change anything on the page
= students will correct spelling mistakes, etc
= gives them a sense of ownership
- avoid common web topics
= if the topic has been done many times, or by experts, it doesn't make sense to have the students try to replicate the information
= localize the topic: how does the topic affect your community
- make learning "collective wisdom"
= different students learn different things and are not good at combining the wisdom
* the report ends up being student A, student B and not how the pieces fit together
= a wiki is a good resource to collect the wisdom and to bring it all together
= do not have students delete previous information: build upon the information so you can go back if the students make a logical mistake
* also provides students with a measure of growth
- exemplary work
= provide links to work that students have done in the past that are great examples of the work
= if you establish the quality you are looking for the quality of the students work improves
= also use real-world examples that are applicable
= provide examples that have concepts, not content, that they can copy
- contrasting work
- have the students do a variety of thinking in the wiki work
- checklist of response you have used in the class wiki
= challenge ideas
= ask probing questions
= give another perspective
= show connections
= provide alternative explainations
= explain how to do it
- building on/adding more to what others have done
= 1st student: chapter summary
= 2nd: real life example
= 3rd: web resource
= 4th more questions
= 5th web resource
- growing on previous work allows you to create an excyclopedic collection of knowledge
= raises the base of learning for subsequent years of learning
- group work
= wonder, amazement, and curse of education
= each group:
* lists its major goal and each student's role
* lists its daily learning successes and future plans
* has a common work repository: no losing the work
* each member's work is easy to see
= literature circles work well on wikis
- notification of changes
= makes everyone aware of the work each team member is doing
- students can help each other with problems
= make it a section on the wiki
- outside classes and outside experts
= need to be clear on goal of the project and its purpose
= wonderful way to exchange information
= make sure the outside expert is student-friendly
- co-create
= moving towards more student-created work
= affording students more rights to do things on the wiki
- explore new topic together as equals
- students will use a wiki
