Bringing Logo to NEIT17

I was privileged to attend the New York Association of Independent Schools NEIT17 Unconference at the Mohon Mountain House where I facilitated an open session on Bits to Atoms: Logo and Fabrication for a group of teachers. We had enough time for them to play with Turtle Blocks, and Maureen even built a piece of jewelry!

Several people were able to work through the workflow and were excited to bring the project back to their schools. One person planned to adapt the workflow to the work she and her students do in MicroWorlds by using online-convert to create an svg from the graphic file they produce in MicroWorlds. 

I also gave an ignite talk about the LogoTurtle.

Judith Seidel also spoke in part about her long relationship with Logo in the classroom and shared images of many of her favorite projects.

It was exciting to get people thinking about Logo and to showcase some projects, new and classic, that are very usable in today's classroom.
